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About Our School

Mission Statement

Florence Hill Elementary will provide a positive, safe, and secure environment that will empower students to learn while building self-esteem. Students will be afforded the opportunity to experience success and mutual respect which will prepare them to be life-long learners. The Florence Hill community will cooperate to produce responsible individuals who are able to adapt to an ever-changing society.

School Hours

School Day is 8:10am-3:35pm
First Bell 8:00
School Day Begins 8:10
Attendance Bell 10:00
Dismiss 3:35


About Florence Hill
Florence Hill Elementary is the oldest elementary in Grand Prairie ISD. Actually, Florence Hill was here before there was a Grand Prairie ISD! Florence and Hill were two communities who came together to form a school in 1898. The original Florence Hill school was a small school house that was home to all grade levels in one room. When you enter our current building, you will see three building markers located in the front foyer. One is from August 3, 1915 dedicating the new building of the time. A second granite plaque is from 1939. In 1939, the Florence Hill Common School District #87 was part of the WPA (Work Progress Administration) program, a massive work relief program that was part of Roosevelt's "New Deal" which was launched in the spring of 1935.The third plaque is the dedication plaque from our present building that was completed in 1990.

There are many corner stones from previous Florence Hill Elementary buildings that have been incorporated into our present structure. The words "Florence Hill School" are inlayed at the front of our school at the top of our entry arch. Capturing this bit of history and adding it to the new building enables Florence Hill to be modern and keep its rich history, too.

Unfortunately, fire has been a factor in the destruction of two previous Florence Hill school structures. On, Friday, February 16, 1990, fire engulfed the previous building just months before it was set to be demolished. The Grand Prairie News described it as the "loss at the Grand Old Lady". This was the fond term used for Florence Hill in 1990. To finish the school year in 1990, students were divided between Garner and Dickinson Elementaries.

Many people inquire about the old brick fireplace that stands alone right inside of the driveway entrance to Florence Hill. The oral history on this structure is that the fireplace was part of an early teacherage that was part of the Florence Hill School in the early 1900s.

Also on our property is the G. H. Turner Memorial Library. It is not utilized as a library at this point, but is currently used as a meeting place for a history restoration group.